
Showing posts from January, 2019

Did a Greenland Asteroid Cause Abrupt Warming Last Ice Age?

This is very good coverage about the Hiawatha Impact Crater but misses out on the implications of an important now-known geo-historical fact.  Their map showing the melted ice flowing out into the oceans was not the configuration of the ice in the last couple of tens of thousands of years... it could not have flown out as shown any time before 6000 BC  - the Laurentian Ice Sheet and Greenland and Ellesmere Icecaps were not just all linked across Ellesmere-Greenland but also between Ungava (Quebec and Labrador) across the Davis Strait to Greenland via an ice dam that let go c.6000 BC which is when the seas worldwide came up by 200m and Doggerland and Dawarka disappeared, and Britain became an Island, and the Black Sea filled when the Mediterranean broke through at the Bosporus. Behind that ice dam was Lake Agassiz, the meltwater from the Laurentian Icecap..... which given worldwide surface area of the oceans the elevation of the waters of Lake Agassiz must have been thousands of metre