Thanks for this video vlad9vt, [this is a copy-paste of my comment to the channel's creator on YT), I'll add it and the Eridu one and some of your others to my "Mysteries of the Most Ancient Past" playlist which covers all the new mega-ancient history that's come to light in recent years as this one fits with the rest as underscoring the 5000 BC origins of Uruk and the other Sumerian-culture cities once Dilmun was drowned in 6000 BC by the release of the Laurentian Ice Sheet's meltwater (Lake Agassiz) when the ice dam across Davis Strait from Ungava (Quebec/Labrador) to Greenland suddenly (?) broke...

... sea levels rose by 200m when that happened in 6000 BC... Doggerland was flooded, making Britain and Ireland islands and separating Jutland and Frisia from Britain with the North Sea.... Heligoland was a low mountain in that vast rolling country as were the other islands off Frisia.....what's out there beneath those waters only legends tell... one of them is Asgard "at the centre of the world", built out of stone by the giants who were slain after building it..... so don't be surprised if some large stone structure is found on the Dogger Bank about where two bridges, one frozen in winter (Bifrost), the other a sort of back door from somewhere else on the World-Tree - I can't remember what it's called - somewhere maybe near two rivers with a common confluence, somewhere near the old shoreline of the ocean, approximately almost the Norwegian Sea, with a coastline from the Scottish Lowlands to the Kattegat which remained open... though I think the Skagerrak was land and the Danish islands were land connecting Saxony to Skaane - the Baltic was also like the Black Sea, and a basin ... so that big basalt thing that looks like the Millennium Falcon they found on  the bottom of  the Baltic would seem to be of the same titanic provenance... if it's not Asgard and *that* is the centre of the world as the ancient legends say was where Asgard was built... and indeed I remember an 1895 history of Norway, Sweden and Denmark I had inherited from my grandfather's books via my father (now sold to a bookstore) that talked about the Sons of Bur - Odin and his brothers - having had origins in Kashgar, then believed to be where Asgard was or may have been, and it was in the Baltic area i.e. Gotland and thereabouts where a king named Odin Bursson led his family's war on their kin, the Jotnar, the giants so-called, with allied  Vanir lords/princes  (the tribes of Yngve/Freyr, the redheads, so also the Celts beyond.... from whom all the Germans including the Nordics were an offshoot) who were  the gods of fertility and the sea... and the Elves (Alfheim) stood apart when Ragnarok came and Asgard was destroyed by the giants due to the crimes committed against them by the Aesir.....so when Thor went killing giants in the East it was the Urals he was talking about...... that's Jotunheimen, Vanaheim was Denmark-Frisia-Holland and/or the British Isles ....though by the end of the Taigne bo Culaigne, which is contemporaneous with the Great Years of Darkness 537-541 AD and the extirpation of the power of the Tuatha de Danaan and Firbolg by St. Patrick's bringing of Christianity, the Elves and the Giants remaining fled west (those who did not go under the sidhe - into the earth) to the New World ....the Lovelock Cave giants and the Susquehannock tribe, both red-haired and 7.5-8' tall cannibals being the two best-known examples, and the stonework all over New England and evident in the mound culture civilizations that somehow disappeared shortly before Columbus first brought a European flag and claimed the whole New World for a foreign king/queen........and there are many stories of little peoples all over the Americas and also of red-haired/bearded blue-eyed 'gods' from across the eastern sea who founded or rather added to the cultures as Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan in the Aztec and Maya worlds and as Viracocha in the Inca/Andean one.... and the little people and the giants both who were one Aoteroa when the Maori arrived... 800 years ago.......covered in facial tattoos exactly like those worn by ancient Irish nobility and warriors and shamans etc.....

.... I know that doesn't have directly to do with Uruk, only including as a comment on what the implications of the old sea levels are and the new geological/astronomical record - the Phaeton Meteor, if meteor it was and not a comet or an ion bolt as the story recounted by Plato puts it, now precisely dated to 11,800 BC.  

and the lost lands of Lyonesse and Avalon it would seem, now beneath the Irish Sea and the English Channel, also vanished beneath the waves, even as their legends do tell us, in 6000 BC....the low dead (?) sea in the deep basin where the Black Sea is now as inundated when the Sea of Marmara was filled as the Dardenelles and/or the Bosporus opened and the waters of the world-encircling sea poured in, drowning any human habitation/civilization down there.  Any such civilization would date far back into the Ice Age - all the way back to when the meltwater from the North European Ice Sheet was still fresh and not dead, as it seems to have already been in 6000 BC, whereas the Mediterranean shoreline came up by 122m post-11,800 BC, and rapidly.   Thracian civilization with its huge stoneworks and masterful art and gold working skills and as-yet-to-be-decoded hieroglyphic-type script emerged shortly after 6000 BC.....Just as Golbekli Tepe and Harran and Tel Karmel and Tel Harmulka (sp?) and other 10,000 BC sites began to emerge 1,800 years after the Phaeton Meteor (Plato indicates an ion bolt from the Sun though... or also that Apollo/Helios's chariot had been taken for a joyride so some kind of solar electric 'lash" of the planet that hit in the north "the north grew warm etc" from the Timaeus.... 

So now about Uruk and the other cities of Sumerian civilization and Uruk being dated to 5000 BC.... in 6000 BC the Persian Gulf became sea... hitherto it had been the land of Dilmun - where Gilgamesh went to seek Enkidu and found Utnapishtim (Noah) who was immortal and told him that mortality was the way of things .... he would know, having seen the world already destroyed in 11,800 BC when the sea came up by 122m (400') when the Hiawatha Impact Crater in northern Greenland was formed by what the Timaeus and Crito suggest we should call the Phaeton Meteor..... Dilmun was still there in Gilgamesh's time, other than by then being and still now the name for a small island offshore from the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates...which met in Dilmun somewhere before flowing through the gorge of what is now the Strait of Hormuz to the Indian Ocean and a much smaller Arabian Sea east of Oman... which had more land, as did India and the lands of the Indus and the then still-flowing Sarasvati........

....climate change doesn't happen slowly, it happens catastrophically and cataclysmically, as we now have firm evidence of that explains much... including the massive weather on the cut walls of the Sphinx enclosure and the severe weathering of the giant vimana temples and sphinx along the Gedrosian Highway in Pakistani Baluchistan..... and the vanished civilization of South Africa dating to 250,000 years ago and more ....a huge wave from a collapse of Antarctica in an Ice Age-ending-melt as with Doggerland, or a similar impact to the Hiawatha/Phaeton one, would "explain" that... and the sudden desertification of North Africa from its former great savannah and forested mountains from the Atlas through the Tibesti and Ahaggar all the way to Abyssinia and the huge city in what is now the western Sahara that is I'm guesstimating far older than even the Egyptian Kings List...though that probably starts there...

Just as the Sumerian Kings List doesn't start in Sumer or Uruk or anywhere in Sumeria. Likely it's connected to Indus civilization or rather its antediluvian ancestors.....now beneath the Indian Ocean in part, but also including Jiroft in SE Iran which dates to 8500 BC, and whose culture and art including the Gilgamesh-and-two-lions motif and others common in Sumeria and Babylonia ... only in a much fresher and more dynamic style evincing that it was new then, and not overly stylized... collectors around the world bought up no doubt the hoard of gravegoods robbed from the site before an archaeologist was put in charge....they're sold as if Sumerian or Babylonian maybe, without realizing what they are or knowing where they came from......this would include I'd think the fine-glass/ceramic seal-stamps and spindles with delicate bas-reliefs... not something you'd come up with in mud country where buildings and ziggurats are built out of clay-brick.....and there is no stone.... 

So I think you see what I mean, vlad9tv, about that 5000 BC underscoring the mega-ancient timeline we are now faced with sorting out... and that oral history aka legend aka superstitious  nonsense and fairytales like the mathematical empiricists like to say about it without ever considering any of it might be TRUE ... now turns out to be... and not just Plato's Timaeus and Crito and the Mahabharata as well as the Egyptian and Sumerian Kings Lists... and all of it, the ancient knowledge of Mankind passed down by storytellers and sages and singers since the most ancient times and from the Golden Age itself.... which like all else is in "myths" worldwide........

And Gilgamesh, well, at this point I'd say he was from Jiroft and went from there to Dilmun in his search for his dead best friend in that first-story-ever tale of love between two humans, one a king, the other a wild man who had the power like Orpheus to live among the animals and speak to them ...they wrestled and became friends and went to take on Humbaba and rile Ishtar by killing him/it and you know the rest... I used to speculate that the huge fires in the Zagros were maybe where Gilgamesh and Enkidu went to start logging (!?!) and so caused a huge forest fire.... but it seem now that it was more like the mountains around Kermanshah, where Jiroft is near, that the story is about.

Jiroft is also older than the Indus civilization.....so mentions of it should be looked for in examinations of the Mahabharata and other Indian writings, and also in the Kolbrin Bible which includes some Egyptian writings including their origin, they say in it, from the area of the Caucasus originally.... and note that Hermes /Thoth had his great library in Upper Chaldea i.e. at Harran also in the same direction... NOT from the Great City of the Western Sahara it would seem, though war between it and Egypt/Khemet certainly seems to be the case in pre-dynastic times.... I'd expect the Mahabharata to also mention that city, and even that war, and also ancient Axum which was already powerful and also has a stelae /foundation that's 10,000 years old.... and also there's Ubar and other things in the 'legends' of Arabia and those structures in the Hejaz and the indications of a much more ancient Mecca and more beneath the Kaaba and in Yemen etc... and things like the Lost City of the Kalahari and the hidden cities and ruins in the Amazon (which is why Bolsanaro wants to kill all the uncontacted tribes and strip-log the area, to find those....)

Aratta, Jiroft, Ubar, Agartha, Kaf, and many other legendar cities all existed... including the Great City in the Sands (by whatever name, and no, it's not Atlantis, that's near Seville... it's much older and may have been already partly ruins when the vast lush lands that are now the Sahara became desert c. 10,000 BC because of the climate and oceanic sea level cataclysm  of 11,800 BC and also the c.20,000 BC similar rise in ocean levels by 100m+ (?) .... How much of Mu/Muror/the SW Pacific landmass, Kundun Kumari ("Lemuria", connecting India to Australia and Madagascar), and the Antillean Mountains and Caribbean lowlands and the Mediterranean basin and pre-6000 BC Doggerland and a much larger East Asia and bigger India we have to consult fathom-depths to figure out... in the case of  the city in the sands of the Sahara and what may yet be found in High Atlas where t he giant Antaeus had his kingdom we have yet to fully find out or realize...

though in some cases like the proto-Maya cities in between Yucatan and Cuba and maybe in the case of Dawarka, while sea level rise definitely did occur, changes in the mass of water and its interactions can cause land..... According to Hindu historical calculations, the date of the famous dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna that IS the Bhagavad-Gita, the core part of the Mahabharata as far as Indian moral philosophy goes, has been calculated to have been in 4508 BC... no gods, and no reptilian amphibians either....just Arjuna and his friend Krishna.  Not Krishna the god it would seem, or his avatar anyway, as the charioteer to Arjuna's archer, whose city was destroyed by the sea as an outcome of that war... but that's 1,494 years after  the sea came up by 200m in 6000 BC... so I'll have  to read about how it got sunk into the waves... all that water would have its effects on continental shelves as well as subsurface water table levels... Dawarka may have sunk in a quake caused by liquefaction or a sudden drop by so many metres of the landscape from a plate-shift... 

But I know that if all such ancient stories could be collated and compared and 'interfaced' they would all knit together when considered in the full context of what we have now as geo-archeological and geo-astronomic and geo-climatic.... another source that I wish I still had in my hands was a secret Masonic publication of the full History of Berassus, the Babylonian priest asked by Ptolemy I to write out the History of the World...... not the public one  that only starts at Egypt and Sumer, with the name Berasos used.... 

same guy, but I've held in my hands the other book, and didn't have the money to buy it... many years ago........ 

It will have in it much on the cities now under the Black Sea and the Aegean and the Sea of Marmara and the Med and the Old Levant hundreds of metres below ... the Land of the Four Cities of the Children of Dan (the Tuatha de Danaan) was in that area....... and they came to Ireland post-6000 BC by the way.....

So.... again, really interesting to see your very nice collection of images of Uruk, vlad9tv.... as you can see the dates you provided got  me needing to tell you how well and why they fit so well with my new understanding of human history.....

Also re what's down the Med and more, and how old that city in the desert really is and so on, consider that we now have fully-modern human skulls dating back 200,000 and more.... 

Then go have a long consideration of the human timeline in the Mahabharata and Rig Veda and Upanishads and Sutras.....



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