Santa' says naughty NoPR voter suppression needs mass ProPR action. Stre...

Santa's hippie stoner cousin the magic (though reprobate) giant-elf cousin Alf, who's been drinking with the elves, who made him go get more milk..... dangerous little critters especially when they're on the cookies so he was glad to get out of there for a while, but he came to me all the time with the kids tonight, talking about the elves getting drunk on milk ... and saw Santa at the mall letting little kids sit  on his lap so as to feed the reindeer.... do you have any *idea* what magic hay costs these says?!!. 

And Santa gave Alf  a message to deliver so the giant hippie elf took it to the parking lot between the vape store and the halfway or rehab apartments above the headshop and whatever behind the Dairy Queen on the way back to the North Pole and the elves.... it has nice light and I can be loud without disturbing anyone.....well, other than the private security firms monitoring the space and/or adjoining construction site and DQ.

Santa wants everyone to know how very naughty the NoPR side have been and that it's not nice to have voter suppressed the 18s and up nor the new citizens and communities or the community on the street.

So Santa told Alf to go fix it....

Shout outs to Squatch Ward, Scott Thompson, Mary Walsh and 22 Minutes and others.... hmm Russell Peters for sure.  Takes time to look up all their tweeting names, if someone can do that that would be great so Alf can get back to playing music in the woods, like he was made for and wants to go back to.

And 'cause Santa told him to, he has to .... nobody wants to get Santa mad.... he had good things coming for all under PR and someone took a shit in the referendum stocking so that those that might vote for it don't even know about it and ...weren't even told.

Santa's pretty mad, but he wanted Alf to spread word to those who were unfairly treated and not told about a vote that affects ALL their futures....that they weren't told about it, and to ask why.

Each and every one I've talked to has clued in, including when I was in Dollarama, with all seriousness.

Given that the government probably printed nowhere near 100% of the ballots necessary for the whole electorate to vote says something right there.  That all groups named could be easily identified and yet still not mailed ballots says even more.

They all get it...18 to 80.  All of them.

So given that the media a few days ago said they'd be lucky to get 30% of the electorate to take part, remember to them that's only 30% of the *Voters*list* - get me.  That's not 30% of the *electorate*.  

Santa's super-pissed hearing about one 18 year old girl who was told by Elections BC that she couldn't vote until she's 19 next year - EVEN THOUGH SHE *CAN* IN THE REFERENDUM.

That's very, very, *very* naughty and .....well, best not to say what Santa might do...he's a boss elf for good reason

So many lies, it's hard for Alf's gentle spirit to handle..... he's gonna go get drunk on milk with  the elves

Voter suppression is naughty, Santa says, and so he wants Alf and all his other brother and sister elves out there to spread magic PR-vote-awareness dust on all those you see who were or may have been excluded from a fair vote for their futures so that they mobilize to vote... and though Alf is sore and weary from all the work and the mouthery of speechifying while getting around on his cane... he's hoping he's lit a few dozen fires and things will snowball from here..... . 


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